At Mirego, we're using Harvest to track time on various projects. It allows every team member to report the exact time spent on various projects for our different clients, and this data can have many purposes, like invoicing and reporting.
Today I learned how to make this reporting almost entirely seamless for anyone using a Mac computer, along with the Timing app and some basic scripting.
Harvest comes with a great Mac application, in which you can start timers and assign your time to the project that you are currently working on.
While the tool is great, the process works best without too many interruptions. When things start stacking on each other, it may be harder to keep up, as there can be some heavy context-switching between several projects.
An alternative to this timer is to enter entries manually in retrospect, at the end of each day or week. This process can be helped by looking at things like your calendar events, browsing history and even phone call logs, but you may always end up forgetting about things, and the operation may be rather intensive.
For people like me, the ideal approach would be some hybrid between these two – and this is exactly where the Timing app comings into play.
With the marvelous Timing app for macOS, time spent across several projects can be tracked automatically, at any given time of the day.
The app is very simple to setup and does all the work magically, by trying to identify what you have been doing on your computer in real-time.
Each project in Timing is configured with a 📛 Name, 🔵 Color and 📝 Tracking rules. Start by creating these for every different "time bucket" that you want to report, and let the magic happens.
Here are a few tips based on several months of use, to make the most out of it:
1️⃣ 1:1 Match
🗓 Calendar Integration
🍋 Codenames & Emojis
🏷 Exhaustive Tagging
🔄 Frequent Reviews
After playing with the rules and balancing the reports for a couple of days, the time spent in different apps and documents will be mostly auto-assigned to the configured projects.
The reports from Timing can then be used as a reference to submit time entries into Harvest manually.
Timing Report | Harvest Entries |
![]() |
![]() |
This means you can now context-switch however you wish: all your work will be reported straight into the right project, without having to switch your Harvest timers. 🎉
If getting there already sounded great, the ultimate setup would be to have Timing reports automatically published to Harvest, without any further intervention. Luckily for us, Timing provides an AppleScript interface and Harvest provides a developer API.
Using JavaScript AppleScript (JXA), the first step is to configure a mapping between Timing projects and Harvest tasks:
"projects": [
// Client projects
{ "name": "🍋 Citrus", "code": "CITRUS-001", "task": "Project Management", "defaultNote": "Follow-up" },
{ "name": "🍓 Berry", "code": "BERRY-001", "task": "Project Management", "defaultNote": "Follow-up" },
// Internal projects
{"name": "Writing", "code": "INTERNAL", "task": "Writing", "defaultNote": "" },
{"name": "Open-Source", "code": "INTERNAL", "task": "Open-Source", "defaultNote": "" },
// Fallback
{"name": "[FALLBACK]", "code": "INTERNAL", "task": "Other" }
Then the following steps can be accomplished with scripting (see full script below):
Which provides the following output:
Script Output | Harvest Entries |
![]() |
![]() |
This means you can now context-switch without even having to worry about time reporting: everything is automatically tracked and pushed to Harvest. 🎉
timing-harvest.jxa publishingMode reportingMode [timeframe=today]
Using the following parameters:
: Only process report (do not submit to Harvest)write
: Process report and submit to HarvestreportingMode
: Prepends every note with a draft messagefinal
: Sends all notes without change[timeframe=today]
: Process report for current dateyesterday
: Process report for previous datelastWeek
: Process report for last week (Sat – Fri)thisWeek
: Process report for this week (Sat – Fri)date1,date2
: Process timeframe (format: yyyy-mm-dd
)To make sure the script can be run directly from the command-line, run chmod +x
on the script file and run it based on the usage described above.
When the script has been correctly configured, setup a cron task on your Mac to automatically run this script every 30 minutes. Run crontab -e
and enter a configuration like this one:
0,30 * * * * /path/to/timing-harvest.jxa write draft today
#!/usr/bin/env osascript -l JavaScript
// Default parameters
let DEFAULT_TIMEFRAME = 'today';
let DEFAULT_IS_DRAFT = false;
// App config
var config = {
harvest: {
// Retrieve from here:
account: '11111',
token: '',
agent: 'John Doe ('
options: {
// Path of the log file
logFilePath: '/path/to/logging.log',
// Text prefix for notes when sending in "Draft" mode
draftPrefix: '⚠️ DRAFT ⚠️',
// Max number of lines, when adding notes to time entries
maxDescriptionTasks: 4,
// Minimum duration of time entries to keep them in report (fraction of hours)
minimumEntryLength: 5 / 60,
// Rounding factor to apply on time entries (fraction of hours)
hourRoundUp: 1 / 1000
projects: [
// Client projects
name: '🍋 Citrus',
code: 'CITRUS-001',
task: 'Project Management',
defaultNote: 'Follow-up'
name: '🍓 Berry',
code: 'BERRY-001',
task: 'Project Management',
defaultNote: 'Follow-up'
// Internal projects
{name: 'Writing', code: 'INTERNAL', task: 'Writing', defaultNote: ''},
name: 'Open-Source',
code: 'INTERNAL',
task: 'Open-Source',
defaultNote: ''
// Fallback
{name: '[FALLBACK]', code: 'INTERNAL', task: 'Other'}
var app = Application.currentApplication();
app.includeStandardAdditions = true;
function run(argv) {
try {
// Parse parameters
if ([0, 2, 3].indexOf(argv.length) == -1) {
appLog('Missing parameters. Suggested usage:');
' timing-harvest.jxa publishingMode reportingMode [timeframe=today]'
appLog(' publishingMode');
appLog(' read: Only process report (do not submit to Harvest)');
appLog(' write: Process report and submit to Harvest');
appLog(' reportingMode');
appLog(' draft: Prepends every note with a draft message');
appLog(' final: Sends all notes without change');
appLog(' [timeframe=today]');
appLog(' today: Process report for current date');
appLog(' yesterday: Process report for previous date');
appLog(' lastWeek: Process report for last week (Sat – Fri)');
appLog(' thisWeek: Process report for this week (Sat – Fri)');
appLog(' date1,date2: Process timeframe (format: yyyy-mm-dd)');
var applyChanges = DEFAULT_APPLY_CHANGES;
var isDraft = DEFAULT_IS_DRAFT;
var timeframe = DEFAULT_TIMEFRAME;
if (argv[0] && argv[1]) {
applyChanges = argv[0] == 'write';
isDraft = argv[1] == 'draft';
if (argv[2]) {
timeframe = argv[2];
// Parse timeframe – default to today
var startDate = removeTime(new Date());
var endDate = removeTime(new Date());
if (timeframe.match(/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2},\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/)) {
// Timespan (e.g. 2020-01-01,2020-01-07)
let components = timeframe.split(',');
startDate = parseDate(components[0]);
endDate = parseDate(components[1]);
} else if (timeframe.match(/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/)) {
// Single date (e.g. 2020-01-01)
startDate = parseDate(timeframe);
endDate = parseDate(timeframe);
} else if (timeframe == 'lastWeek') {
// Saturday to Friday from the previous week
let variation = startDate.getDate() - ((startDate.getDay() + 1) % 7) - 7;
endDate.setDate(variation + 6);
} else if (timeframe == 'thisWeek') {
// Saturday to Friday from the current week
let variation = startDate.getDate() - ((startDate.getDay() + 1) % 7);
endDate.setDate(variation + 6);
} else if (timeframe == 'yesterday') {
// 1 day ago
[startDate, endDate].forEach((d) => d.setDate(d.getDate() - 1));
// Log header
appLog('Processing Harvest Timesheets');
appLog(`Publishing Mode: ${applyChanges ? '✏️ Write' : '👀 Read-only'}`);
appLog(`Reporting Mode: ${isDraft ? '⚠️ Draft' : '✅ Final'}`);
if (startDate.getDay() == 6 && endDate.getDay() == 5) {
var displayStartDate = new Date(startDate.getTime());
displayStartDate.setDate(displayStartDate.getDate() + 2);
`Work Week: ${[displayStartDate, endDate]
.map((d) => d.toDateString())
.join(' - ')}`
} else if (startDate.getTime() != endDate.getTime()) {
`Dates: ${[startDate, endDate]
.map((d) => d.toDateString())
.join(' - ')}`
} else {
appLog(`Date: ${startDate.toDateString()}`);
// Process report
var report = timingReport(startDate, endDate);
var projectsByDay = processReport(report, isDraft);
// Submit report
if (applyChanges) {
appLog('Process complete.');
} catch (err) {
appLog('Process aborted.');
function timingReport(startDate, endDate) {
appLog('Exporting entries from Timing app...');
var timingHelper = Application('TimingHelper');
// Report settings
var reportSettings = timingHelper.ReportSettings().make();
reportSettings.firstGroupingMode = 'by project';
reportSettings.secondGroupingMode = 'by day';
reportSettings.tasksIncluded = true;
reportSettings.taskTitleIncluded = true;
reportSettings.taskTimespanIncluded = true;
reportSettings.taskNotesIncluded = true;
reportSettings.appUsageIncluded = true;
reportSettings.applicationInfoIncluded = true;
reportSettings.titleInfoIncluded = true;
reportSettings.timespanInfoIncluded = true;
reportSettings.includeAppActivitiesCoveredByATask = false;
// Export settings
var exportSettings = timingHelper.ExportSettings().make();
exportSettings.fileFormat = 'JSON';
exportSettings.durationFormat = 'hours';
exportSettings.shortEntriesIncluded = true;
let exportTempPath = $.NSTemporaryDirectory().js + 'harvest.json';
// Process
withReportSettings: reportSettings,
exportSettings: exportSettings,
between: startDate,
and: endDate,
to: exportTempPath,
forProjects: timingHelper.projects.whose({
productivityRating: {_greaterThan: 0}
let reportFile = readFile(exportTempPath);
let report = JSON.parse(reportFile);
appLog(`${report.length} entries exported (${exportTempPath}).`);
return report;
function processReport(report, isDraft) {
// Load projects and find related tasks
appLog('Parsing time report...');
// Find related tasks
var projectsByDay = {};
report.forEach((entry) => {
// Ignore invalid entries
if (! {
// Map to known projects (and combine unknown projects in fallback)
let project = config.projects.find(
(project) => == entry.project
if (!project || project.inactive) {
project = config.projects.find((project) => == '[FALLBACK]');
if (!project) {
// Initialize global arrays
var projectsForDay = projectsByDay[] || {};
var projectEntry = projectsForDay[] || {
code: project.code,
task: project.task,
time: 0,
notes: []
// Add duration
projectEntry.time += entry.duration;
// Add notes/title
var sanitizedTitle = (entry.activityTitle || '')
.replace(/\* /g, '')
.replace(/ \| \d+ new items?/g, '')
.replace(/\(Entries shorter.*/g, '')
.replace(/\(Untitled.*/g, '')
.replace(/(Slack \|[^|]*)\|.*/g, '$1');
if (
sanitizedTitle.length > 0 &&
(entry.activityType != 'App Usage' || entry.duration > 1 / 60)
) {
duration: entry.duration,
description: sanitizedTitle
projectEntry.notes.sort((n1, n2) => n1.duration < n2.duration);
let sanitizedNotes = [ Set(projectEntry.notes.flatMap((note) => note.description))
].splice(0, config.options.maxDescriptionTasks);
projectEntry.title =
sanitizedNotes.length > 0
? sanitizedNotes.join('\n')
: project.defaultNote;
projectEntry.title =
(isDraft ? config.options.draftPrefix + '\n' : '') + projectEntry.title;
// Combine back to global arrays
projectsForDay[] = projectEntry;
projectsByDay[] = projectsForDay;
appLog(`Entries found for ${Object.keys(projectsByDay).length} days.`);
// Pre-process and preview report
var totalTime = 0;
Object.keys(projectsByDay).forEach((day) => {
appLog(`Processing ${day}...`);
let projectsForDay = projectsByDay[day];
// Sum time entries
var dayTotalTime = 0;
Object.keys(projectsForDay).forEach((project) => {
var entry = projectsForDay[project];
// Remove insubstantial projects
if (entry.time < config.options.minimumEntryLength) {
delete projectsForDay[project];
// Round time spent
entry.time = roundUpHours(entry.time);
dayTotalTime += entry.time;
totalTime += dayTotalTime;
// Sort projects
sortedProjectsForDay = {};
config.projects.forEach((project) => {
if (projectsForDay[]) {
sortedProjectsForDay[] = projectsForDay[];
projectsByDay[day] = sortedProjectsForDay;
['time', 'name', 'task', 'title'],
[roundUpHours(dayTotalTime).toString(), '(Total hours)']
appLog(`Total tracked hours: ${roundUpHours(totalTime)}`);
return projectsByDay;
function submitToHarvest(projectsByDay) {
if (Object.keys(projectsByDay).length == 0) {
appLog('No entries to submit.');
// Load projects and find related tasks
appLog('Mapping projects with Harvest...');
let harvestProjects = harvestRequest(
config.projects.forEach((project) => {
let harvestProject = harvestProjects.find((hp) => hp.code == project.code);
if (harvestProject) {
project.projectId =;
project.projectName =;
} else {
throw new Error(`Could not find project with code '${project.code}'.`);
let harvestTasks = harvestRequest(
let harvestTask = harvestTasks.find((ht) => == project.task);
if (harvestTask) {
project.taskId =;
} else {
throw new Error(
`Could not find task with name '${project.task}' in project '${project.code}'.`
appLog(`* ${} – ${project.code} (${project.projectId})`);
// Push each day
var results = [];
Object.keys(projectsByDay).forEach((day) => {
appLog(`Pushing time entries for ${day}...`);
let entries = projectsByDay[day];
// Delete old entries
let oldEntries = harvestRequest(
if (oldEntries.length > 0) {
oldEntries.forEach((oldEntry) => {
harvestRequest('DELETE', `/time_entries/${}`);
appLog(`Deleted ${oldEntries.length} old entries.`);
// Create new entries
var totalHours = 0,
totalEntries = 0;
Object.values(entries).forEach((entry) => {
let project = config.projects.find(
(project) => ==
if (!project) {
throw new Error(
`Project mapping '${}' failed during submission.`
harvestRequest('POST', `/time_entries/`, 'time_entries', {
project_id: project.projectId,
task_id: project.taskId,
spent_date: day,
hours: entry.time,
notes: entry.title
totalHours += entry.time;
appLog(`Submitted ${totalEntries} new entries.`);
`${day}: Submitted ${roundUpHours(
)} hours in ${totalEntries} tasks`
if (results.length > 0) {
function harvestRequest(method, endpoint, objectName, body, startCollection) {
let url =
(endpoint.indexOf('https') == -1 ? '' : '') +
var results = startCollection || [];
var sanitizedBody = JSON.stringify(body || {})
.replace("'", "\\'")
.replace('\\', '\\\\');
var request =
"curl -X '" +
method +
"' '" +
url +
"' \
-H 'Harvest-Account-Id: " +
config.harvest.account +
"' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer " +
config.harvest.token +
"' \
-H 'User-Agent: " +
config.harvest.agent +
"' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d $'" +
sanitizedBody +
var response = JSON.parse(app.doShellScript(request));
results = results.concat(response[objectName]);
if (response && response.links && {
results = harvestRequest(
return results;
function readFile(path) {
const data = $.NSFileManager.defaultManager.contentsAtPath(path);
const str = $.NSString.alloc.initWithDataEncoding(
return ObjC.unwrap(str);
function appLog(msg) {
'echo `date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` \'' +
msg.toString().replace("'", "''") +
"' >> '" +
config.options.logFilePath +
function displayNotification(msg) {
app.displayNotification(msg, {
withTitle: 'Timing + Harvest',
soundName: 'Frog'
function roundUpHours(hours) {
let roundUp = 1 / config.options.hourRoundUp;
return Math.ceil(hours * roundUp) / roundUp;
function parseDate(str) {
let components = str.split(/\D+/).map((s) => parseInt(s));
components[1] = components[1] - 1; // adjust month
return new Date(...components);
function removeTime(date) {
return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate());
function logCollection(collection, columns, footer) {
let maxWidth = 50;
let truncate = (str) =>
str.length <= maxWidth ? str : str.slice(0, maxWidth - 3) + '...';
let capitalize = (str) => str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
// Get max length
var columnWidths = {};
Object.keys(collection).forEach((key) => {
var value = collection[key];
for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
var contentLength = Math.max(columns[i].length, (footer[i] || '').length);
.forEach((line) => {
contentLength = Math.max(
Math.min(maxWidth, line.length),
columnWidths[columns[i]] = Math.max(
columnWidths[columns[i]] || 0
// Generate header
var headerText = '';
columns.forEach((column) => {
headerText += ` ${capitalize(column)}${' '.repeat(
columnWidths[column] - column.length
)} |`;
appLog(` ${`-`.repeat(headerText.length - 1)} `);
appLog(`|${`-`.repeat(headerText.length - 1)}|`);
// Generate blank line
var blankLine = '';
columns.forEach((column) => {
blankLine += ` ${' '.repeat(columnWidths[column])} |`;
// Generate content
Object.keys(collection).forEach((key) => {
var value = collection[key];
// Find number of lines
var numberOfLines = 1;
columns.forEach((column) => {
numberOfLines = Math.max(
// Output lines
for (var line = 0; line < numberOfLines; line++) {
var lineOutput = '';
columns.forEach((column) => {
let lines = value[column].toString().split('\n');
let content = line < lines.length ? truncate(lines[line]) : '';
lineOutput += ` ${content}${' '.repeat(
columnWidths[column] - content.length
)} |`;
// Generate blank line
var blankLine = '';
columns.forEach((column) => {
blankLine += ` ${' '.repeat(columnWidths[column])} |`;
// Generate footer
var footerText = '';
for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
let content = footer[i] || '';
footerText += ` ${content}${' '.repeat(
columnWidths[columns[i]] - content.length
)} |`;
appLog(`|${`-`.repeat(footerText.length - 1)}|`);
appLog(` ${`-`.repeat(footerText.length - 1)} `);